The light of the Sun shines down upon me
I see the colors of the rainbow all around
The warmth fills my soul and I am happy
I can’t get enough of this great feeling
So I stare at the Sun with eyes wide open
Until I am blinded and I can see no more
Heaven shine your light down on me
Shine your light that I may see
The coolness of the rain refreshes my soul
I dance like a child enjoying its miracle
I can’t get enough of the claps of lightning and rolls of thunder
I climb to the mountain top to experience its fullness
From its peak I reach high with arms spread wide
I am struck by lightning and burned to the core
Heaven shine your light down on me
Shine your light that I may see
The ocean waves crash with power to the shore
Sand between my toes, I step in the water pushed to and fro
I know if I can get out there beyond the shore, I will experience their greatest might
So I grab my dinghy, raising its sails high
Leaving the safety of the harbor to be surrounded by waves of beauty
The perfect storm engulfs me in its power and I am no more
Heaven shine your light down on me
Shine your light that I may see
From the base of the mountain I see the flames of fire shooting high
As if calling me to come closer to study its spectacle
Camera in hand I capture picture after picture of its evolving creation
Of a mountain being created from the core of the earth
Not heeding the warnings of its pending eruption
I am buried by the ashes, frozen in time by the cooling lava
Heaven shine your light down on me
Shine your light that I may see
For in all the power and beauty contained in this Earth
There is a delicate balance to be understood and respected
For life out of balance is an act of destruction
Learning this balance is what our journey is about
To sprout forth new life from the disaster we have created
And allow His Holy Spirit to restore us to healing
Heaven shine your light down on me
Shine your light so that I will be free
Scripture: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” —Matthew 11:28 (ESV)
Devotional: There are moments in life when we feel like we’ve reached the end of the road—when the weight of our mistakes and the burden of our circumstances leave us broken and searching for hope. April 3, 2014, was one of those moments for me. I had traveled to Oklahoma City to escape the wreckage of my life, and for a brief moment, the energy of OKC Thunder and my favorite player, Kevin Durant, allowed me to forget my pain. But reality waited for me the next day.
Sitting on the dry boat ramp at Lake Hefner, I felt like my surroundings mirrored my heart—parched, empty, and at a dead end. With headphones on and tears streaming down my face, I cried out to God. I played a song, “Word of God, Speak to Me” over and over, its lyrics piercing my heart. It was there, in the silence and solitude, that I realized running wasn’t the answer. I needed to face my pain and give it to God.
As I sat at the edge of that ramp, it struck me: I had been carrying a burden I was never meant to bear alone. For so long, I had tried to fix things in my own strength, only to end up more broken and exhausted. The end of the road wasn’t an ending—it was an invitation. An invitation to surrender my shame, my failures, and my heavy heart to the One who could truly heal me. The dry conditions of the lake mirrored my soul, but I was reminded that God is the living water, able to quench the deepest thirst and bring life to the driest places.
Sometimes, the hardest part of healing is letting go of the mask we wear. We cling to an image of strength, afraid to admit our struggles. But healing begins when we strip away the facade and come before God as we are—broken, messy, and desperate for His touch. That day at Lake Hefner, I didn’t need eloquent words or polished prayers. I just needed honesty, and God met me in my rawest, most vulnerable moment.
Have you felt like you’ve reached the end of the road? Maybe your heart feels heavy with regret or your circumstances feel insurmountable. Let me encourage you: God’s grace is sufficient for you. He doesn’t meet you with condemnation or shame—He meets you with open arms and unshakable love. He invites you to lay down your burdens and trust Him to do the work you cannot do on your own.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for meeting us in our brokenness and offering the gift of Your grace. When we feel like we’ve reached the end of the road, remind us that You are there, waiting to restore us and lead us into new life. Help us to lay down our burdens at Your feet and trust in Your redeeming power. Let Your love transform us, and may our lives testify to the miracle of Your grace. Thank You for never leaving us where You find us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Have you ever wanted a miracle But felt unworthy to plead
Have you felt like a lost cause weighed down, never to be freed
All you could do was crawl in a hole Never to be heard from or seen
Giving up a life of purpose Giving up hope to be clean
Shouting out to God in your anger Why not me Lord, why am I not deserving
If you were truly a God of love and compassion You are the one I would be serving
Walking away into the night Your heart hardened, you have no regret
Your hopes crushed to have a Savior Someone who loves you, who will pay your debt
Have you ever seen a miracle in the life of another soul
Have you ever witnessed the gratitude that comes by making one whole
It’s a beauty that’s indescribable A gift from the One above
Filled with so much awe and wonder It is truly a gift of love
That gift is yours for the taking All you have to do is ask
But you will never be able to come clean If you continue to wear your mask
How do you break free from yourself From the bondage that’s keeping you a slave
You have to lift your hands to the one above For He is the only one who can save
Come to the living water’s edge And feel the power of healing
It is a miracle you can receive The love of the Savior revealing
You will be free from your own bondage To be made whole again
Give Him your burden, completely your burden He will cleanse you from all your sin
Have you ever seen a miracle in the life of your own soul
Have you ever poured out your gratitude that comes by making you whole
It’s a beauty that’s indescribable A gift from the One above
Filled with so much awe and wonder It is truly a gift of love
Have you longed for a miracle, felt unworthy to believe? Burdened down by guilt and shame, no hope to be relieved. In the darkness, you have wondered, “Can I ever be made whole?” Jesus stands with arms wide open, He’s the Savior of your soul.
(Verse 2)
Have you seen a heart surrendered, healed by mercy’s gentle hand? Felt the joy of restoration, love you cannot understand? Bring your pain and all your burdens; leave them at the cross tonight. Let His power make you righteous, shining pure in holy light.
Have you seen a miracle, felt His love that sets you free? It’s a gift beyond all measure, full of grace and majesty. Come and drink the living water, let it wash your fear away. Jesus breaks the chains that bind you; He’s your miracle today.
(Verse 3)
Have you felt the weight of sorrow, like a chain you cannot break? Every step feels weak and heavy, every move a deep mistake. Jesus sees your every struggle, and He whispers, “You are Mine.” Through His grace, the chains will shatter; you will rise in love divine.
Lift your hands and call upon Him; He will meet you where you stand. Every tear and cry of sorrow, He will hold within His hand. Feel the freedom in His presence, leave your past and walk His way. Jesus loves you and redeems you; He’s your miracle today.
(Verse 4)
Have you walked in endless darkness, longing for the morning light? Felt the pain of isolation, thinking hope was out of sight? Jesus calls you from the shadows; He will lead you by His hand. Step into His glorious promise, to the life that He has planned.
Have you seen a miracle, felt His love that sets you free? It’s a gift beyond all measure, full of grace and majesty. Come and drink the living water, let it wash your fear away. Jesus breaks the chains that bind you; He’s your miracle today.
He’s your miracle today, Jesus is your miracle today.
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)
What is important about what Jesus said is what He didn’t say.
He did not say… …Come unto me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, unless your burdens are the result of something you did. …Unless you caused your burdens. …Unless your burdens are the result of your own bad choices. …Unless your burdens are from disobedience to God’s Word. …Unless you came to Me once before with your burdens; and you want a second chance.
O dear God… …On this day …At this hour …At this place
May I simply take You at your Word and trust your promise.
I am weary O God from carrying around the burdens from my own bad choices And You know, my burdens are not pretty O God Though You have said my prayers are a sweet smelling incense I know my burdens are a stench of rubbish that “stinks to high Heaven”
But I will trust And like I’ve done a thousand times before, I’ll do it again And I will leave my burdens at your feet
O dear God… …On this day …At this hour …At this place
And I will vow again to take Your yoke And when people see me and talk to me today May they not see the person of myself But may they see a reflection of You Because I have treated them with kindness, as you did And I have spoken to them with compassion, as you did And in spite of being wronged, may I stand with integrity, as you did Not with pride, but with humility, as you did And might my presence be a blessing, as you were
And at the end of the day, may I look back on this day And be thankful to a great and loving God And rest my head on my pillow And be at peace
George Thomas Caldbeck penned these words:
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin? The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.
Peace, perfect peace, by thronging duties pressed? To do the will of Jesus, this is rest.
Peace, perfect peace, with sorrows surging round? On Jesus’ bosom nought but calm is found.
Peace, perfect peace, with loved ones far away? In Jesus’ keeping we are safe and they.
Peace, perfect peace, our future all unknown? Jesus we know, and he is on the throne.
Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours? Jesus has vanquished death and all its powers.
It is enough: earth’s struggles soon shall cease, and Jesus call to heaven’s perfect peace.
“In my distress, I called to the Lord, and He answered me. From the depths of the grave, I called for help, and You listened to my cry.”
Devotional: Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound
Through the book of Jonah, his story resonates with anyone who has ever found themselves in a place of rebellion against God. It begins with Jonah receiving a clear call from God: to go to Nineveh and call its people to repentance. Yet, Jonah’s response is to flee in the opposite direction. He embarks on a journey to Tarshish, seeking a path of his own making, a path devoid of God’s purpose.
This is often our human condition—we hear the call of God, but our hearts are either afraid, prideful, or stubborn. We think we know better, convinced that our version of freedom will bring us fulfillment. The hymn “Amazing Grace” echoes profoundly here, reminding us of the incredible gift we have been given through Christ’s sacrifice. Yet, we sometimes trample on that gift, trading it in for a false sense of autonomy.
When we seek to rule our own lives from our self-made thrones, we undermine the true freedom that God wants for us. We create illusions of control; we convince ourselves that we can define our destinies. Just like Jonah, we often fail to recognize that choosing our way leads us away from the very thing we long for—peace, purpose, and fulfillment.
The truth is that freedom does not come through self-rule; rather, true freedom lies in surrendering to God. When we attempt to navigate life without Him, we may think we are escaping the constraints of obedience. However, what we often discover is that this misplaced freedom leads us down a path of pain, shame, and ultimately, enslavement to sin. Jonah learned this lesson the hard way. As he fled, he found himself in a storm, ultimately leading to his descent into the very depths he sought to escape.
In these moments of chaos, we too can feel as if we are trapped in the belly of our own metaphorical whale, isolated from God and lost in despair. It’s in this darkness that we can cry out, just as Jonah did. “In my distress, I called to the Lord, and He answered me.” This cry is not one of self-pity but a plea for redemption. It is the realization that despite our waywardness, God is still merciful and attentive to our cries.
When we come to the end of ourselves, acknowledging our failures and sins, we can finally see the grace that was always extended toward us. God’s grace invites us to exchange our burdens for His joy, lifting us from the grave of our making. Imagine Jonah, wrapped in darkness, suddenly realizing that salvation could come only from the One he had sought to escape. As he turns in repentance, God eagerly saves him.
As you ponder your own journey, consider the areas where you may be running from God’s call. What thrones have you built, and where have you traded the grace of God for your version of freedom? The incredible truth is that even in our darkest moments, God is waiting for our return. He wants to lift us from the chains of our making and place us on the path of life.
He invites us to surrender, to step off the dead-end road of false freedom, and embrace His truth. This is not merely about turning away from our mistakes but actively choosing to run toward Him. Just as Jonah had to make the decision to obey God’s call after his experience in the belly of the whale, we too have that choice. With every step we take toward Him, we feel His hand lifting us from our own graves.
As we reflect on the lyrics “I once was lost but now I’m found; was blind but now I see,” let us consider the grace that has not only saved us but has also opened our eyes to the life God has in store for us. Our journey of faith is one of continual return to that grace, finding our true freedom in Him.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the amazing grace that saves us from our wandering hearts. Help us to recognize the false freedoms we cling to and turn back to You. May we embrace the path You have set before us, trusting in Your plan and leaning on Your strength. Lift us from our graves, Lord, and restore our hearts. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Closing Thought
Let us remember that the sweet sound of amazing grace is not just a melody to be sung but a truth to be lived. May we daily choose to walk in His freedom, forever grateful for the grace that saves a wretch like us, transforming our lives from death to life. Just like Jonah, we can find hope and restoration when we turn back to the source of all grace. Each day is an opportunity to embrace His gift of freedom, recalling that our hearts can truly be set free when we run toward the God who loves us unconditionally.
A Writing
Amazing Grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me But I trampled on that gift of life Refusing to be set free
I traded it in for my version of freedom Ruling others from my own throne Instead of following the Master’s plan I wrote one of my own
I failed to see that it was a lie A folly from the master of deceit I thought I invented it on my own How the system I would cheat
I learned the art of hiding out And dodging from my own shame Never taking responsibility Everyone else was to blame
But in the end I was the fool For freedom I did not understand Freedom is not free you see It didn’t work out how I planned
The freedom I was living Turned out to make me a slave Rather than bringing life to me It buried me in my own grave
He led me down a dead end path So He could show me His vision It stopped way short of the water of life And I had to make a decision
Would I turn around and walk away Fleeing from the water’s edge Or would I leave my road and run to Him Embracing His freedom pledge
I stepped off that dead end road And simply trusted He would save With each step I took, I felt His hand Lifting me out of my grave
Amazing Grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I’m found Was blind but now I see
[Verse 1] Oh, Your grace, how sweet the sound It called me when I was bound Your mercy reached into my night And led me home into Your light [Chorus] Your amazing grace has set me free It took away the chains on me You called my name, I heard Your voice Now I’m Yours, my heart rejoice [Verse 2] You bore my shame, You took my sin And gave me life, a hope within Your love has claimed me as Your own I stand redeemed before Your throne [Chorus] Your amazing grace has set me free It took away the chains on me You called my name, I heard Your voice Now I’m Yours, my heart rejoice [Bridge] You called me child, You made me whole Your love has healed and saved my soul Forever I’ll sing, forever proclaim Your grace, Your mercy, Your holy name [Outro] Oh, Your grace, how sweet the sound Once lost, but now I have been found Forever I’ll sing, forever proclaim Your grace, your mercy, your holy name [Refrain] Oh, Your grace, how sweet the sound Once lost, but now I have been found Forever I’ll sing, forever proclaim Your grace, your mercy, your holy name
We were at a park where many homeless gathered. We bought burgers and fries from 5 Guys…and were handing them out. A woman with her daughter and grandchild stepped off the bus…and started arguing with some guys that had some burgers and fries. She wanted theirs. I tried to tell her…”We can get you some too”…but that wasn’t her interest. She just wanted to argue, apparently. I stepped away and said…”No good deed shall go unpunished.” What does that mean?
It is said “No good deed shall go unpunished”
For this is just the way the world works…
…it is what it is
Because for every action there is a counter action…
…the Good deed of Joy brings Sadness
…the Good deed of Happiness brings Sorrow
…the Good deed of Peace brings Turmoil
…the Good deed of Healing brings Woundedness
…the Good deed of Fulfillment brings Emptiness
And so, I commit to do no Good deed…
…to prevent the certain punishment that follows
…thus I am justified for my inaction
…I am not held accountable to Evil
…I am satisfied
And the Spirit dwelling within me touches my soul…and whispers…
…do you expect the actions of Goodness to go unanswered?
…as if Evil will stand still to allow Goodness to prevail?
…that Evil will simply bow down…and be trampled upon?
…that Evil will surrender…simply because a Good deed is done?
…have you not heard there is a war raging between Good and Evil?
…if no one stands against Evil…
…if you don’t show up…
…who will?
…and the light grows dim
…and it vanishes
…and the darkness surrounds me
…and the emptiness engulfs me
…and in the quietness
…I cry out…but there is no answer
In the desolate wasteland of Evil…
…I see Sadness…but there was no Good deed of Joy
…and I see Sorrow…but there was no Good deed of Happiness
…and I see Turmoil…but there was no Good deed of Peace
…and I see Woundedness…but there was no Good deed of Healing
…and I see Emptiness…but there was no Good deed of Fulfillment
And the Spirit dwelling within me touches my soul…and whispers…
…step in front of opportunity, before it passes you by
…don’t walk…but run…into the stadium of Mercy
…simply do what you can
…give Joy as you can
…give Happiness as you can
…give Peace as you can
…give Healing as you can
…give Fulfillment as you can
…and then…stand strong against the shouts of Evil…for they will come…
…do not be afraid
…do not be defeated
…but know the Good deed done today is a blessing of much needed Mercy to a hungry soul
Ephesians 6:10-12: “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the (evil strategies) of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”
Most people will show sincere gratitude when they know someone cares…